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I Wanna Play That! #2 Two For Two

Over the years I have started up and then killed off a number of personal and professional blogs, whether tailored to a particular audience or simply an outpouring from my brain (such as it is) onto the internet. But there is one particular kind of article/post/thing that I always like to revive from blog to blog: a semi-regular round-up of cool, innovative, exciting games that I've found, and really, really want to play...

..and, speaking from experience, probably won't. The fact is that there are more games out there than there are hours in the day, or £££ in my bank account, and this has always struck me as very unfair and most likely a design oversight by God that somebody ought to rectify. But, when I win the lottery and retire to a Caribbean island, I will get round to playing All Of The Games, and these will be towards the top of my list.

So, in no particular order, here we go...

Hand of Fate

I was attracted to this game after I stumbled across the physical version on Kickstarter. Hand of Fate: Ordeals looks incredibly cool but is also mind-blowingly expensive, almost certainly because of the sheer number of complex, beautifully made, game pieces in the box As one hundred odd Australian Dollars is a little out of my financial comfort zone, I've added the original Hand of Fate digital game to my Steam wishlist for purchase come sale time, and I'll be keeping a close eye out for Hand of Fate 2 when it is released.


Let's list off some of my favourite things:

  • Cute Dogs

  • Beautiful Asian Art

  • Fun Adventure Games

And then there's Okami. It's as if all the stars have suddenly aligned.

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