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I'm the Founder/CEO of was conceived as an online information resource to help parents understand the content of popular video-games. The venture was backed by a private third-party VC.

Created in accordance with LEAN Start-Up methodology, GameHub was designed with the specific needs of non-games literate parents in mind. These parents find themselves needing to have expertise in a variety of topics related to video-games in order to keep their child safe and entertained, yet they themselves may have little to no interest in the hobby as a personal pastime. A one-stop resource, covering content advisory for all aspects of a given game title, from Stranger Danger through to Blood & Gore, was created. Spanning 150 data points broken down into 15 subsections, parents could read as much or as little as they needed in order to feel empowered and informed.

The site contained full length reports for over 150 game titles across PC, Xbox, Playstaytion, Nintendo, iOS and Android platforms. A supporting blog of pover 200 articles, annoucements and columns was also available to readers. I was a semi-regular public speaker, representing the company at events ranging from the VideoBrains speaker circuit in London, through to the RESPAWN:GoGD (GDC:EU + DevCom) Fringe event in Cologne.

The depth and breadth of the topics covered was a key USP, and a deliberate response to parents' complaints that existing rival systems were too vague and authoritarian, failing to respect the autonomy of parents and their unique insight into their own child's development and maturity. Parents who were concerned about negative portrayal of racial minorities had their fears addressed, as did those who wanted to know if a game showed varied and positive representations of women. Depictions of drugs or alcohol use, smoking, sexual interactions, depictions of magic and the occult, religious symbolism, violence towards animals, torture and war crimes were all specifically and thoroughly addressed through first-party research and third-party corroboration. Each game was assigned an expert, who would play it through from start to finish, take original in-game screen-shots, and try as far as was possible to keep the report up to date in response to new content, updates and DLC.

I refined the presentation and core concept through interactions with the public whilst demoing multiple major gaming festivals, including GameCity Festival at what is now the National Video-Game Arcade in Nottingham, the first annual Yorkshire Gaming Festival at the National Media Museum in Bradford, and were the Official Families Partner for the Norwich Gaming Festival in Norfolk for several years running. 

Beginning life after winning a "Start-Up Weekend" entrepreneurship contest with FounderCentric, the company was was the Winner of the Summer Jam: Croatia entrepreneurship contest/retreat, and achieved semi-finalist placing in the prestigious Mass Challenge UK Accelerator, where the concept was pitched to a panel of experts including senior level executives at Ebay.

GameHub was recommended as a parenting resource in print copies of The Sun national newspaper, and appeared on BBC Radio Norfolk, Mustard TV and the 'One Life Left' show on award-winning London radio station Resonance FM.

On New Year's Day 2016, GameHub was chosen to be featured on the front page of leading tech influencer site We were also featured on SpringWise.

Built on the core concept that customers could be empowered through information, we offered general and personalised advice to parents, teachers, and professionals working with children on all aspects fo mgames and gaming culture. A remote and diverse team of multiple ethnicities and gender/sexual orientations was hired from around the world to contribute art, programming expertise, code and design and copy-writing content. I also oversaw the retraining of a stay-at-home mother into a interning social media manager through our partnership with the Digital Mums foundation. Our intern subsequently gained professional employment as a social media manager with "parenting & tech"start-up Mush.

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