Currently Playing: January Mobile-5

Geostorm It’s movie tie-in game, for a movie I haven’t even seen adverts for, let alone seen. So my expectations were pretty low from the off. YET, it’s a delight. Visually gorgeous, with real attention to detail evident throughout, from rocking boats and crumbling masonry to the scrambling limbs of your character as he/she climbs over obstacles and wobbly floating tables. It’s a zippy little adventure puzzle in the same vein as Lara Croft Go, and with comparable production values;I was more than impressed with what I found!

Viking Hunters
Viking Hunters has an amazing aesthetic, a kind of cartoony take on traditional Scandinavian (well...Viking) art, writing and music. I'm not sure I've seen anything similar elsewhere. The camera is placed unusually, giving both challenge but also a great sense of place and agency, as you swirl backwards & forwards on choppy seas, tiny boat buffeted by big old scary waves and/of monsters. The gameplay is on the repetitive side, but those seas make it far from a cakewalk. There's a lot of heart in this daft little game.

The Tower Assassins Creed
This astonishingly unwieldily named game is just a reskin of an existing Ketchapp game The Tower, to theme it Assasins Creed, which is celebrating its 10th Anniversary year as a franchise. I have a few minor niggles - the screen is pretty cluttered, and the music is on such a short loop it feels like a vicious creature trying to bore its way into your ear canal, but other than that, I'm a fan. I like it when a franchise spans across multiple channels, and seeing a AAA game that has successfully made the leap to mobile is pleasing.

Time Locker
Time Locker has got to be one of the oddest things I have ever played in my life, but I dig it. You are one of a pantheon of mainly animal shaped characters, marching across the screen with a shedload of guns strapped to you, murdering everything that moves...and you can control time...except when the black pixel sea sweeps up behind you and swallows you. Of course. Time Locker prompts a whole lot of whys, and doesn't offer many answers. I'm guessing they picked animals to push IAPs, as everyone has a favourite animal, but honestly, I'm not sure. It's cool, but also weird as heck.

Opus: Rocket of Whispers
I think I must be a faster reader than the average? Whilst I appreciate the subtle, careful way in which the tale is being spun, I'm also finding it achingly slow. And honestly, its annoying me about myself, that I don't have a longer attention span, but having to continuously hammer the screen in order to pull out each individual line of dialogue is driving me mad. It just feels like so much more effort than, say, picking up a book... I want to love it, but its a slog. That's not OPUS' fault though, its the genre. I'm going to try to stick with it.