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VideoBrains, Jan '17

I've just got back from Blackpool, where I was on the panel for a debate on social issues and how they relate to video-games, and I've noticed that the latest VideoBrains talks have gone up! The January talks were themed to the concept of Family & Parenting, so it was a natural fit for me and the outreach work I do with GameHub.

Here is mine. I hope its good, I don't like the sound of my own voice so I will have to psyche myself up to watching it! VideoBrains is a great event, and if you have never been to one before I really urge you to check it out next time you're down in London. The atmosphere is incredibly laid back and friendly, and you always come away with a fresh perspective on something. Also, its normally held in a bar, so you can calm your public speaking jitters with tasty cocktails. Or your public listening jitters. You know, if you get those.

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